Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Unity3D project "Aetherworlds" prototype 4

Here's the next video demonstration of my Unity3D project. Spent some time trying to figure out some little things like basic lighting and shadow options, camera rotation, proper UV scaling, and how to adjust an objects mesh render without having to move its collider along with it in order to create simple animation effects.

-Fixed shadow draw distance and shadow bias (the player is now connected to their shadow)

-Added controls for 90 degree camera rotation (pressing Q or E rotates the camera around the player 90 degrees)

-Changed specular grass material to "diffuse" to prevent massive glare at certain camera angles

-Added particle effect when collecting orbs

-Added "bobbing" effect to orb renders

Monday, February 17, 2014

Unity3D project "Aetherworlds" prototype 3

I managed to get collectible orbs into the world, as well as a counter displaying how many the player has collected. Between the tags, triggers and UI updates I now have a framework in place to really advance the playability of this game.